Well Well Well...here I am again. May has been a month for the record books... and not in a good way. Without getting into any personal details, this month has easily beat out any other month in the history of my memory as far as family/friend epic catastrophes that test me and the people around me (who I love! Hang in there everyone.) Here are some roses that should bring the smiles.

Further investigating into this matter (aka bitching and moaning) has brought me to the conclusion that May 2009 was NOT a good month. So. That makes me feel better somehow. We are not alone. So if you would like to commiserate please leave a comment. If you are having a wonderful month, please don't. JUST KIDDING. Love you all, and I hope this is a good month, year, life, for everyone!

In other news, our garden is cranking out some delicious salads. We have been eating the spinach, arugula, lettuce, and endive regularly. I look forward to the carrots, onions, radishes, beans, and more!

Hope everyone is having a good week! (Seriously :) )